§ 135-904.2. Highway business area.  

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  • A. 
    Permitted signs. In a highway business area, accessory signs and on-premises commercial signs are subject to the regulations as set forth below:
    Ground signs.
    No ground sign shall exceed 150 square feet in area.
    No ground sign shall exceed 35 feet in overall height.
    The bottom capping of any ground sign shall be 24 inches above ground level.
    No more than one ground sign visible to the major artery for a lot shall be permitted.
    A sign visible to the major artery shall contain the name and address of the user of the property and contain no other advertising material or any commercial message unless specifically authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
    One ground sign visible to the road or way which provides direct access to the property may be permitted. Said ground sign shall be no larger than 60 square feet in area and be no more than 20 feet in overall height. Bottom capping of sign shall be no less than 24 inches above ground level.
    One secondary ground sign may be permitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals if it determines that the nature of the use of the premises, the architecture of the building, or the location with reference to the street or way is such that additional ground signs should be granted in the public interest. The total of all ground signs visible to the access road shall not exceed 150 square feet in area.
    Marquee signs. No marquee signs shall be permitted.
    Roof signs. No roof signs shall be permitted.
    Projecting signs. No projecting signs which extend over a public way shall be permitted.
    Wall signs.
    No wall sign shall exceed 150 square feet in area.
    No wall sign shall exceed four feet in overall height.
    No wall sign shall be visible to the major highway, if a ground sign has been permitted.
    A permitted wall sign visible to the major highway shall contain the name and address of the user of the property and contain no other advertising material or commercial message unless specifically authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
    Sign area is further limited to one square foot of signage per linear foot of frontage. Said frontage shall be the linear feet of the building which faces the access roadway.
    Wall signs for businesses occupying other than the first floor may be permitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Said permit shall require the written permission of the owner of the property. Secondary wall signs shall not exceed 48 square feet in area. No more than two such secondary wall signs shall be allowed for any building.
    No more than one wall sign for each store or business occupying a building shall be permitted. The aggregate total of all signage allowed shall not exceed 150 square feet in area. Sign permit may be issued only after written permission for said signs is authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
    Lease, for rent, construction signs.
    Any sign designed to advertise to lease or for rent may be permitted subject to the sizes authorized in § 135-904.2 above and shall comply with § 135-906 of this bylaw.
    No temporary lease or rent sign shall be permitted to display visibly to the major roadway after any permanent signage is permitted for the property.
    Temporary lease or rent signs may be displayed and visible to the access roadway for no longer than six months after permanent signage is permitted.
    Construction signs may be permitted only for the length of time the building is actually under construction.
    The size of construction signage and exact wording of said signs shall be determined by the Zoning Board of Appeals at the time of application.
    Construction signs shall comply with the provisions of § 135-906.
    Window sign.
    Permanent window signs shall not occupy more than 20% of the total area of the window or other architectural detail or opening in which they are displayed. If the lettering in such display occupies more than three inches in height it shall be debited against the total allowable wall sign area permitted for each business or building facade.
    Temporary window signs shall not occupy more than 15% of the total area of the window in which they are displayed. Such signs are considered temporary for the purposes of this section if the sign is applied or displayed for a limited period.
    Billboards and digital/electronic billboards.
    [Added 3-17-2015 by Ord. No. 14-066(10)]
    Billboards and digital/electronic billboards, as defined in § 135-102, shall be allowed within highway business areas which are designated as the Billboard Zoning Overlay District as defined in §§ 135-910-01 through 135-910-05, only by grant of a special permit issued by the Planning Board. The Planning Board may limit the permit for a specific term of years;
    No billboard shall be located more than 100 feet from any interstate highway layout and shall not be within 300 feet of another billboard;
    All billboards must be permanently affixed to a pedestal or other main support structure. No portable billboards are permitted. Billboards shall not be placed on roofs or walls of buildings;
    Exposed back of signs, poles or other support structures must be painted and maintained in a manner that appropriately blends with the surrounding buildings and landscape;
    A billboard may be double sided. An individual sign or sign face shall not exceed 750 square feet in total area on each side and shall not exceed 15 feet in height and 50 feet in width, as calculated pursuant to this chapter.
    The top of the billboard shall not exceed 75 feet in height from the ground.
    Prohibition of off-premises commercial signs. All off-premises commercial signs are prohibited.
Amended 5-18-1987 ATM by Art. 29; 5-11-1988 ATM by Art. 39; 5-3-1993 STM by Art. 13; 5-16-2001 ATM by Art. 54