§ 135-904.5. Special regulations for gasoline service stations and repair garages only.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Gasoline service stations and repair garages may be permitted signs subject to the regulations set forth below.
    Service stations or garages located in a general business area, a highway business area, or an industrial area may be allowed signs only after review and as permitted by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
    [Amended 5-16-2001 ATM by Art. 54]
    One ground sign containing the logo of the oil company.
    In a general business area said ground sign shall not exceed 60 square feet in area and shall be no higher than 20 feet above ground level.
    In a highway business area, not within the Billboard Overlay Zone, or industrial area said ground sign shall not exceed 150 square feet and shall be no higher than 40 feet above ground level.
    [Amended 3-17-2015 by Ord. No. 14-066(11)]
    One sign displaying the prices of gasoline only.
    Said sign shall not exceed 30 square feet in area per face.
    Said sign shall be no lower than 10 feet.
    One permanently fixed sign advertising lubrication products not exceeding 12 square feet in area.
    One permanently fixed sign advertising accessories, e.g., tires, wipers, etc., not exceeding 12 square feet in area.
    One permanently fixed sign advertising services, e.g., lube, oil change, mufflers, etc., not exceeding 12 square feet in area.
    One wall sign displaying the name and/or company logo on the building not exceeding 150 square feet or one square foot of signage per each linear foot of building fronting on a way, whichever is least.
    Any other signage attached to canopies, coverings, pumps, etc., authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals which is designed to assist or advise the public and required by state law as to the type of product. Such additional signage shall not exceed 150 square feet in aggregate total.
    [Amended 5-16-2001 ATM by Art. 54]
    Prohibition of off-premises commercial signs. All off-premises commercial signs are prohibited.
Amended 5-18-1987 ATM by Art. 29; 5-11-1988 ATM by Art. 39