§ 135-908. Administration.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Permits. No sign shall be erected on the exterior of any building or on any land unless and until an application for the erection of such sign has been filed with the Inspector of Buildings and or the Code Compliance Officer, with such information and drawings as he may require, and a permit for the erection of the sign has been issued by him. The fee for such permits shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Selectmen of the Town. The provisions of this section shall not apply to:
    In residential areas, permitted signs, except such as by the terms of the Zoning Bylaws are permitted only with specific permission from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
    In business areas, one real estate sign of not over six square feet in total area advertising the sale or rental of the premises on which it is located.
    Billboards are only allowed within the Billboard Overlay Zone as described in §§ 135-910-01 through 135-910-05, by special permit issued by the Planning Board.
    [Added 3-17-2015 by Ord. No. 14-066(13)]
    Appeal. A person aggrieved by the refusal of the Inspector of Buildings to issue a permit for the erection of a sign or by any order of the Inspector of Buildings under this bylaw may appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The provisions of the Zoning Bylaw as to the time for taking such appeal and as to the notice of and hearing thereon shall be the same as appeals which are otherwise made under the Zoning Bylaw to the Zoning Board of Appeal.
    The Zoning Board of Appeals hearing appeals from the refusal of the Inspector of Buildings to issue a permit for the erection of a sign or from the decision of the Inspector of Buildings under this section shall have the right to grant relief from the bulk and dimensional requirements of Article IX, upon a determination that a legitimate hardship, financial or otherwise, exists which specifically relates to the shape, topography, soil condition or uniqueness of the land, building or structure to which the sign is placed or affixed and which does not derogate or detract from the goals and purposes expressed in this article or the Zoning Bylaw.
    Enforcement. The Inspector of Buildings is hereby designated as the officer in charge of the enforcement of this bylaw and the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw shall apply to this bylaw.
Amended 5-18-1987 ATM by Art. 29; 10-26-1993 STM by Art. 15; 5-16-2001 ATM by Art. 54