Braintree |
Code of Ordinances |
Zoning Ordinances |
Chapter 135. Zoning Ordinances |
Article IX. Rules and Regulations for Signs |
§ 135-910-02. Purpose.
Latest version.
The Billboard Zoning Overlay District is a set of requirements which are superimposed over the Highway Business Zoning Districts located along Route 93 and Route 128 as shown on the approved Zoning Map as the designated Billboard Zoning Overlay District. The BZOD shall establish reasonable standards in accordance with the following purpose and intent:1.Responsibly address the changing technology of digital displays, and the Town desires to regulate this technology as applied in the use of off-premises signage.2.To allow new technologies in a designated area while working through special permit and other means to address the removal of older static type billboards Town-wide in lieu of new installations.3.To regulate the quality, scale and impact of off-premises commercial billboards in designated receiving areas in order to maintain both a competitive business market and an aesthetically attractive residential community.4.To encourage the installation of commercial billboards along the designated highways in accordance with the federal Highway Beautification Act as most recently amended.5.To encourage the siting of commercial billboards and electronic/digital billboards in such locations that will not cause driver distraction but can provide public service announcements in emergency situations for the safety and welfare of the general public.6.To preserve the residential character of the Town and protect the environmental, historic and open space resources of the community by designating defined areas of location that minimize potential adverse impacts to the Town.
Added 3-17-2015 by Ord.
No. 14-066(14)