§ 135-615-06. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 1. 
    Vehicle drive-through windows, in conjunction with any use, is prohibited in those portions the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District located in the Town of Braintree.
    The ground floor of a multi-use building shall have both front and rear facades occupied by business uses only.
    Buildings must have a primary entrance door facing a public sidewalk (entrances at building corners are acceptable). Building entrances may include doors to individual businesses, lobby entrances, entrances to pedestrian-oriented plazas or courtyards servicing clusters of businesses.
    Underground utility lines are required for new and substantially approved buildings unless applicants can demonstrate a physical restriction or installation will be blocked by existing underground obstructions.
    All external units for heating, cooling, etc., mechanical units shall be located in a screened structure on rooftops.
    All refuse disposal (dumpsters, etc.) shall be located in an enclosure and/or with a locked top; no outdoor refuse storage will be permitted unless in an enclosure.
    Appropriate landscaping and design shall be incorporated into new and expanded development within the BWLD. Landscaped design plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect for all special permit applications. For administrative site plan reviews, the Planning Director may at their discretion accept a plan prepared by someone other than a landscape architect if said plan shows the type, size and location of all proposed plantings. Side yards between structures less than 10 feet apart shall be screened from public view by a solid fence or tight landscaping not less than five feet in height. Chain link fences are not permissible. Side yards between structures greater than 10 feet apart shall be landscaped appropriately.
Added 1-8-2011 by Ord. No. 10-067