Braintree |
Code of Ordinances |
Zoning Ordinances |
Chapter 135. Zoning Ordinances |
Article VI. Permitted Uses in Districts |
§ 135-615-11. Site access, parking and bicycle requirements of the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District.
Latest version.
The following criteria are included to ensure that new and redesigned site access is constructed in accordance with the BWLD character and the provisions of §§ 135-615-01 through 135-615-14.1.New curb cuts on existing public ways shall be minimized. To the extent feasible, access to businesses shall be provided through one of the following methods: either through a common driveway serving adjacent lots/premises or through an existing side or rear street, thus avoiding the principal thoroughfare. Garage doors or loading docks on the front facade are prohibited.A.Proposed curb cuts within 200 feet of intersections are subject to administrative site plan review.B.Proposed curb cuts greater than 30 feet in width and driveway openings greater than 20 feet in width are subject to administrative site plan review. Full-width curb cuts are prohibited.The following criteria are included to ensure that new and redesigned off-street parking areas are constructed in accordance with the BWLD character and the provisions of §§ 135-615-01 through 135-615-14.2.Parking and bicycle requirements:a)Parking areas shall be located to the side and rear of the structure. Parking areas shall be designed such that parking is prohibited within the required front yard setback.b)Full-size parking spaces (See Figure 1 at the end of the Zoning Ordinances). Each full-size parking space shall be a minimum of 8.5 feet in width and 18 feet in length. Handicap parking spaces shall be designed and laid out as required by 521 CMR or any successive regulations.c)Driveways shall be located so as to minimize conflict with traffic on public streets and to maintain good visibility and sight distance.d)Parking areas shall include provisions for the "parking" of bicycles in bicycle racks in locations that are safely segregated from automobile traffic and parking. For parking areas of 10 or more spaces, bicycle racks facilitating locking shall be provided to accommodate one bicycle per 20 parking spaces or fraction thereof.e)Where possible, parking areas shall be interconnected in a manner that allows the unobstructed flow of pedestrians between businesses and the parking areas.f)Large parking areas (e.g., greater than 20 parking spaces) shall be separated by landscaped islands of eight feet to 10 feet in width or in the alternative shall devote at least 5% of the interior of the parking lot to landscaping. In addition, a minimum of one shade tree shall be planted for every six parking spaces required or built, within appropriate locations on the lot(s). The plan shall show the location of plantings, including use of plantings to buffer neighboring properties, and along the street frontage and pedestrian ways. Trees planted within parking areas shall be planted in protected pervious plots of at least 60 square feet of area.g)Provision for safe and convenient pedestrian access shall be incorporated into plans for new construction of buildings and parking areas and should be designed in concert with landscaping plans noted below. New construction should improve pedestrian access to buildings, sidewalks and parking areas and should be completed with consideration of pedestrian safety, handicapped access and visual quality. Where appropriate, applicants are encouraged to provide pedestrian and/or bicycle paths connecting their site with abutting areas in order to promote pedestrian and bicycle circulation and safety in the district. When parking is located in the rear, pedestrian access via a pedestrian-oriented alley or walkway through to the primary street is encouraged.
Added 1-8-2011 by Ord.
No. 10-067