Braintree |
Code of Ordinances |
Zoning Ordinances |
Chapter 135. Zoning Ordinances |
Article VI. Permitted Uses in Districts |
§ 135-615-13. Signage and advertising devices within the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District.
Latest version.
(1)For purposes of the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District the following definitions shall be applicable in reference to external advertising devices regulated by §§ 135-615-01 through 135-615-14:
- A retractable type structure of flexible material (canvas) on a frame attached to the facade of a building and projecting therefrom as a protection against sun or rain.
- The area encompassed by any wording, logo, or design distinct from the awning background color. Awning signs are measured and included within the allowances for parallel wall signs.
- An advertising device that includes any lettering, word, numeral design, emblem, device, trademark, picture, pennant, flag, streamer, banner, or other object or method of construction used to indicate, direct, announce, advertise, attract or promote.
(2)Permissible signage types within the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District allow for use of only the following:Wall signAwningsProjecting signMulti-tenant signApplicants are encouraged to review the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District design guidelines before submitting a sign application or displaying other means of advertising devices. In the BWLD, signage is subject to administrative site plan review pursuant to § 135-615-09.(a)Wall sign. Each place of business shall be allowed one permanent wall sign parallel to the exterior building facade, projecting not more than 12 inches from said wall and having an aggregate area of two square feet for each horizontal foot of building frontage of said business, provided that the area of said sign shall not exceed 20 square feet. Businesses located over the first floor shall not exceed 20 square feet as well. If such business establishment has more than one public entrance, a secondary sign may be affixed to the building side having a public entrance.(b)Awnings. Awnings are permissible only at street level and are considered signage if writing and/or a logo are located on the awning. For purposes of this bylaw awnings utilized for advertising shall be considered a wall sign subject to the requirements of a wall sign. Applicants shall consult the BWLD design guidelines for guidance on the preferred material, coloring and dimensional requirements.(c)Projecting sign. Each lot shall be allowed one projecting sign, mounted to the front building line, provided that the foremost building on the lot is set back from the front lot no greater than 10 feet, subject to the following criteria:(1)The sign shall have the bottommost edge no lower than 10 feet above grade, nor more than 12 feet above grade; the uppermost edge of the sign shall be no greater than 20 feet above grade or below the roofline, whichever is lower in height; the sign shall project no more than 4.5 feet from the front building line.(2)The sign area shall not exceed 15 square feet per side with a total surface area of all sides not exceeding 30 square feet.(3)Projecting signs over public property shall be subject to administrative site plan review as well in accordance with the following conditions.(a)A projecting sign shall only be placed over a public sidewalk or walkway, and in no case shall a projecting sign extend over any portion of a vehicular travel lane.(d)Multi-tenant directory sign. Multi-tenant and/or directory wall signs shall be located at the entrance to a multi-tenant building, affixed to the exterior wall of the building, not exceeding a height of nine feet above finished grade. Said sign shall include the building street address and provide one square foot of area for each tenant listed in an orderly and legible manner. Said signs shall be constructed with provisions to allow for changes in occupancy without reconstruction of the entire sign.(3)General provisions:a)Sign material shall be in accordance with the provisions of the design guidelines set forth for the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District.b)The source of illumination for any sign shall be a white, steady, stationary light of reasonable intensity, shielded and directed solely at the sign, or a white interior light underneath the sign. Neon tubing or similar devices are prohibited. Illumination of signage is also permissible by outdoor lighting attached to said building in accordance with approved with the BWLD design guidelines. Lighting shall be steady, stationary, shielded and of an appropriate location and intensity. Any projecting lights used for illumination shall be so arranged to reflect light away from any adjoining residential district or public way.c)Roof signs and marquee signage are prohibited within the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District.d)Window signs shall not occupy more than 25% of the total area of the window in which they are displayed.e)Moving, changing electronic digital signs are prohibited within the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District.f)Existing electronic signs lawfully in existence prior to January 8, 2011, are not grandfathered for conversion to another form of electronic technology.g)Placement of temporary signage on sidewalks and public areas is prohibited.h)Off-premises commercial signs (including rooftop and billboard signs) are prohibited from any location within the Braintree-Weymouth Landing District.
Added 1-8-2011 by Ord.
No. 10-067