§ 135-812. Landscaping requirements (see § 135-708).  

Latest version.
  • In reviewing a landscaping plan for a parking facility the SPGA may waive the following standards upon showing of good cause.
    Landscaping for parking areas shall:
    Use trees as the primary landscaping material.
    Use shrubs and ground cover to complement trees.
    Where practical incorporate earthen berms and existing topography into the landscaping.
    Where practical use existing landscaping as a design element.
    Have all interior planting areas bounded by a concrete curb with a minimum height of six inches.
    No landscape materials shall be installed at curb cuts which will hamper the line of sight at the curb cut.
    A storage area shall be provided on site to accommodate snow removal from a six-inch storm.
    A minimum ten-foot-wide landscaped strip shall be provided along property lines parallel to any public or private street when parking or circulation areas abut said street.
    A minimum of 5% of the gross area of an off-street parking facility, not including the setback required in § 135-812C, shall be landscaped.
    A continuous landscaped strip shall be provided at a minimum between every six rows of parking spaces. Said strip shall be a minimum of eight feet in width.
    Planting islands shall be provided at the beginning and end of at least every third parking row. Said islands shall be a minimum of nine feet wide and shall be planted with one shade tree having a clear trunk height of at least six feet.
    Landscaping shall be used to delineate vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns. Clear and legible signs, different color and texture paving materials, raised areas, and other techniques should be used to further direct the flow of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the lot.
    A minimum five-foot-wide buffer strip which may include a sidewalk shall be provided between the parking facility and buildings when parking or circulation areas abut said buildings.
    Parking facilities located in a commercial or business zoning district shall have peripheral landscaping along any interior (side) property line not along a public right-of-way. Peripheral landscaping shall:
    Have a five-foot-wide landscaped strip located between the parking area and the abutting property line.
    Have a minimum of one tree planted for each 40 linear feet of property line.